The city Utrecht 900 years old
A beautiful combination of tangible objects, perception and experience. A theatrical performance, supported by poetry and projections. Many attendees described it as exciting. It gave them goosebumps and felt recognition and pride.
For: Marketing Utrecht
What: Presentation '900 years of Utrecht'
About: The guidelines surrounding the celebration of 900 years of Utrecht
Purpose: Special opening that is remembered
Challenge: Creating a theatrical opening
My city to be proud of 
Our goal was to create a special opening, more than just an opening film. The challenge was to empower as many disciplines as possible in a very short time and then create a whole together. 
Once again it became clear how important it is to collaborate with trusted people from your network, such as composers, writers and furniture makers. Communication with the client also went well. Because we all believed in the idea, we created a special experience together that we are all proud of.

making of
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